目的:探讨4种不同保肝降酶治疗方案用于治疗丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)升高的慢性乙型肝炎(CHB)患者的成本与效果。方法:通过建立一个基于Markov模型的决策树模型来模拟患者疾病进程,评价以下方案的成本与效果:无治疗;异甘草酸镁每日100 mg;还原型谷胱甘肽每日1 500 mg;多烯磷脂酰胆碱每日465 mg;异甘草酸镁每日200 mg。临床数据、成本与效用数据等主要来自于已发表文献。结果:在ALT升高的CHB患者中,异甘草酸镁200 mg方案可以获得4.504个质量调整生命年(QALYs),而累积肝癌和死亡率分别为0.41%和1.99%。同其他治疗方案相比,异甘草酸镁200 mg方案的健康获益最大。同无治疗方案相比,异甘草酸镁100 mg方案在所有方案中最具成本效益比优势;同对照组相比,它可以在获得1个额外的QALYs时节省49 320元。结论:ALT升高的CHB患者使用保肝降酶方案可以节约远期的卫生成本,其中异甘草酸镁100 mg是最具优势的治疗方案。
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the cost and effectiveness of 4 protecting liver and lowering transaminase regimens for chronic hepatitis B (CHB) with elevated ALT. METHODS: A decision tree model based on Markov model was developed to simulate the disease process in patients. The costs and effects of the following regimens were evaluated: no treatment; isoglycyrrhizinatemagnesium 100 mg per day; restoreglutathione 1 500 mg per day; polyenephosphatidylcholine 465 mg per day; isoglycyrrhizinatemagnesium 200 mg per day. Clinical data, cost and effectiveness data were mainly from the published literaRtre. RESULTS: For CHB patients with elevated ALT, magnesium isoglycyrrhizinate 200 mg program could obtained 4.504 QALYs, while the cumulative liver cancer and mortality were 0.41% and 1.99%. Compared with other treatment regimens, magnesium isoglycyrrhizinate 200 mg regimen obtained the greatest health benefit. Compared with other regimens, magnesium isoglycyrrhizinate 100 mg regimen obtained the greatest cost-effectiveness ratio; compared with control group, it could save 49 320 yuan when got an additional QA- LYs. CONCLUSIONS : Protecting liver and lowering transaminase regimens can save the cost of long-term health in CHB patients with elevated ALT, among which magnesium isoglycyrrhizinate 100 mg is the most advantageous treatment.
China Pharmacy