为了寻找一种根治效果与安全性俱佳的单纯性巨大肝囊肿的手术治疗方法,作者自行设计了开放式全 囊壁剥离术。此术可在不阻断肝门血流的情况下将囊肿壁完全剥离切除。从根本上杜绝了手术后肝囊肿复发或残余 囊壁癌变的可能性,且易于操作,安全性好。认为可以作为治疗单纯性巨大肝囊肿的首选方式。
in order to look for an ideal surgical procedure with which simple giant cyst of the liver can be treated effectively and safely, authors designed open total cystic wall decollement. Under the condition of blocking no blood supply of the liver, the cystic wall can be resected and peeled off thoroughly with the procedure. The possibility of Postoperative recurrence of the cyst and carcinogenesis of cystic wall are avoided virtually. Besides. easy performance and high security will make the procedure be the first choice in treatment of simple giant cyst of the liver.
Shandong Medical Journal