目的研究糖尿病下肢血管病变中医辨证与瘀血相关性。方法 198例已确诊2型糖尿病患者中医辨证分型为气血两虚寒凝、湿热闭阻、脾肾阳虚型,进行中医瘀血证积分、血脂、血流变、病程观察,研究各分型瘀血证程度。结果 (1)瘀血贯穿于糖尿病下肢血管病变的全过程;(2)糖尿病下肢血管病变各证型瘀血程度不同,由轻到重依次为气血两虚寒凝、湿热闭阻、脾肾阳虚;(3)病程长短与瘀血程度呈正相关,病程越长瘀血表现越重;(4)瘀血程度越重,其血脂、血流变异常越明显。结论临床中治疗2型糖尿病下肢血管病变时应重视活血化瘀。
Objective To analyze the correlation between the syndromes of diabetes mellitus accompanied with lower limb vascular lesion and blood stasis. Methods 198 type 2 diabetics were divided into 3 types of syndromes differentiation of traditional Chinese medicine: deficiency of qi and blood combined with cold accumulation, dampness-heat blockage, spleen and kidney yang deficiency. All the people's syndrome integral of blood stasis, blood lipid, hemorheology and course of disease were detected to analyze the degree of blood stasis. Results Blood stasis goes through the whole progress of diabetes melli- tus accompanied with lower limb vascular lesion, but the degree of blood stasis differs among patients with different types of syndromes. Patients with spleen and kidney yang deficiency syndrome are the most serious, while patients with deficiency of qi and blood combined with cold accumulation are the least serious. There are positively correlated relationship between the course of disease and the degree of blood stasis. The longer the course is, the more serious the degree of blood stasis is. The more serious the blood stasis is, the more abnormal both the blood Lipid and hemorheology. Conclusion Promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis is very important while treating diabetes mellitus accompanied with lower limb vascular lesion.
Global Traditional Chinese Medicine
Diabetes mellitus accompanied with lower limb vascular lesion
Syndrome differentiation
Blood stasis