
积极稳妥推进福建省新型城镇化建设调研报告 被引量:4

The Research Report on Steadily Pushing forward the Construction of New Urbanization in Fujian Province
摘要 城镇化是目前我国城乡统筹发展实践的热点和难点,研究成果相对较多,虽然也涉及到城镇化中政府作用、管理体制等相关内容,但最终没有上升到战略管理的层面。本调研报告以福建省为研究案例,分析了福建省新型城镇化建设取得的成就及其面临的主要瓶颈,并从城镇规划引领策略、城乡产业统筹发展策略、城镇空间布局优化策略、社会建设管理策略、城乡财政金融调整策略和城镇管理体制创新策略等6个方面,构建福建新型城镇化发展的战略框架,为政府及相关决策部门制定积极稳妥的城镇化推进政策建言献策。 Urbanization is the hotspot and difficulty of practice of balancing urban and rural development in our country, more research results exsist, although it also involves the role of government, management system and other related content, uhimately cannot rise to the level of strategic management, taking Fujian province as a case, This research report analyzes the achievements of the new urbanization construction and its main bottlenecks, and from the leading strategy of town planning, the development strategy in balancing urban and rural industry, the optimization strategy in urban space layout, the strategy of social construction and man- agement, the adjustment strategy of Urban and rural financial and the management system innovation strategy and so on six aspects, Constructing a strategic framework for the development of urbanization in Fujian provide advice and suggestions for government and relevant decision -making departments in developing actively and steadily urbanization promotion policy .
出处 《福建师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期41-45,共5页 Journal of Fujian Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
关键词 福建省 新型城镇化 发展瓶颈 突破方略 new urbanization, actively and steadily, evelopment bottleneck, Breakthrough Strategy
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