随着 CT、MRI、DSA等数字化影像技术在临床的广泛应用 ,作为正在逐步取代普遍放射照像技术 (增感屏 /胶片系统 )的数字化 X线影像系统也日趋成熟。数字化 X线影像系统在图像的采集、显示、后处理、管理和传送等功能方面有着传统 X线成像无可比拟的优势和发展前景 ,它与快速发展的计算机网络技术逐步融合 。
The technology of digitizing X ray image has become sophisticate along with system of digital medical image such as CT,MRI,DSA and so on be used widely in clinical,and it will substitute the conventional technique of X ray take pictures(gain sensitization screen/flim).It has more advantage in image collection,display,post treatment,manage and transmission.The combine of the system of digitizing X ray image and the technology of computer network will make the development of radiation department more rapidly.
Foreign Medical Sciences(Biomedical Engineering Fascicle)