目的了解西部农村地区足月小于胎龄儿(SGA)的影响因素,以便为今后进一步开展干预研究提供科学依据。方法选择2010年11月至2011年10月在西部地区5个县的15家县级医疗机构和8家乡级医疗机构分娩足月小于胎龄儿的母亲,经知情同意后填写调查问卷了解研究对象的人口学信息、孕前体重、孕期保健情况、孕期并发症/合并症的发生情况以及饮食情况等,对照组按1:1成组配比,收集合格病例共计376对。结果与足月小于胎龄儿有关的影响因素包括:家庭平均月收入低于2 000元、母亲文化程度初中以下、母亲有早产史或低出生体重史、孕前低体重、不良产史、母亲本身是早产儿或低出生体重儿、孕期产检≤4次、孕期发生并发症或合并症(多胎、胎膜早破、子痫前期和羊水过少)、孕期未补充叶酸,饮食中鱼禽肉、牛奶、蛋类以及花生瓜子等坚果摄入相对不足。经多因素分析,羊水过少(OR=34.832,P=0.013)是足月小于胎龄儿的危险因素,而家庭平均月收入高于2 000元(OR=0.147,P=0.025)和孕期饮食中蛋类食物摄入至少每周1次(OR=0.045,P=0.029)是足月小于胎龄儿的保护因素。结论对于高危人群应进一步加强健康教育,提高孕期保健的次数。同时,应加强相关培训,提高基层医务人员孕期保健服务意识和能力,开展规范的孕期保健服务,保证孕期保健的质量。
Objective To understand the influencing factors of the term small-for-gestational-age(SGA) infants in western rural areas, so as to provide scientific basis for further intervention researches .Methods The objects of case group were selected from mothers who delivered term SGA births in 15 county levelled hospitals and 8 township levelled hospitals in 5 western counties during the period of November 2010 to October 2011.Through filling in the questionnaires by all of the objects with consent , the demographic information , weight before pregnancy , maternal health care , pregnancy complications and dietary intake during pregnancy were identified .The control group was 1:1 matched, and the total number of qualified pairs was 376.Results The influencing factors of term SGA infants included average family income 〈2 000 yuan per month , mother's educational degree of primary school or below , history of preterm birth or low birth weight pregnancy , mother herself being low birth weight or preterm birth , mother with low BMI or underweight , prenatal examination ≤4 times, complications during pregnancy (such as polyembryony, premature rupture of membranes, preeclampsia and oligohydramnios), no folic acid intake during pregnancy , insufficient intake of fish and meat , eggs, milk and nuts.Multiple factors analysis showed that oligohydramnios was the risk factor of term SGA infants (OR=34.832,P=0.013), while the average family income 〉2 000 yuan per month(OR=0.147, P=0.025) and eating eggs more than once a week during pregnancy (OR=0.045,P=0.029) were protect factors. Conclusion For high-risk population , health education should be strengthened and the frequency of maternal care needs to be increased . Meanwhile , relative training should be strengthened to improve the service awareness and ability of grassroots medical workers .Health care during pregnancy needs to be conducted and its quality should be ensured .
Chinese Journal of Woman and Child Health Research
small-for-gestational-age (SGA) infants
case-control study
pregnancy complications
pregnancy nutrition