关于"NP+V-起来+AP"的句法研究有"中动说"和"话题说",但都只能解释部分语言事实。Nunes(2001,2004)的侧向移位理论(Sideward Movement)可为"NP+V-起来+AP"结构提供统一的附加语(Adjunct)分析。具体而言,该结构是包含附加语"V-起来"的复杂谓语结构。"V-起来"在句法运算时投射为独立的语段vP1;"V-起来"的内/外论元在推导过程中被拷贝后与主句的轻动词形成vP2。在主句推导的过程中,vP1附接于vP2,形成复杂谓语结构。如果句首的NP不是动词V的核心论元,无侧向移位发生;但vP1同样附接于vP2,为主句谓语事件的实现提供条件或情景。采纳附加语分析,不同分布和句法表现的"NP+V-起来+AP"句子可获得统一解释。
Based upon Nunes' Sideward Movement Hypothesis whereby a given constituent is copied and moves from a syn- tactic object K to another independent syntactic object L, the "NP + V - qilai + AP" construction in Chinese is analyzed as neither a middle construction nor an instance of topicalization, but a complex construction consisting of two predicates. Spe- cifically, V- qilai, as an independent predicate, projects into a phase vP1. While vP1 is under derivation, the internal/ external argument of V - qilai sideward moves to v2, establishing the thematic relationship with the matrix predicate AP. After vP1 as an adjunct merges with vP2, the matrix predicate continues to project to an IP and eventually a CP, thus form- ing the complex [ CP [IP NP [ vP2 [ vPIV - qilail AP] ] I superficial construction.
Foreign Languages and Literature