
2008~2012年太原市无偿献血者梅毒及HIV感染状况分析 被引量:6

An analysis of syphilis and HIV infection among voluntary blood donors in Taiyuan,Shanxi,China from 2008-2012
摘要 目的分析太原市无偿献血者梅毒及HIV感染状况,为招募低危献血者提供科学依据。方法采用酶联免疫吸附试验(E1.ISA)检测太原市2008-2012年无偿献血者血浆标本梅毒抗体和HIV抗体,分析梅毒及HIV感染年度、性别、年龄、文化程度及职业分布。结果太原市2008~2012年无偿献血者血液标本共389796份,梅毒抗体阳性2277例,阳性率为0.584%,年度阳性率差异有统计学意义(χ2=22.63,P〈0.01),但变化无规律;女性阳性率为0.661%,男性阳性率为0.549%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=18.28,P〈0.01),男性41~50岁和女性31~40岁抗体阳性率最高;职业分布以农民和工人阳性率较高,分别为1.028%和0.645%,不同职业人群差异有统计学意义(χ2=248.84,P〈0.01);初中及其以下学历者梅毒阳性率最高,为0.877%,不同文化程度人群阳性率差异有统计学意义(χ2=213.57,P〈0.01)。2008~2012年无偿献血者HIV抗体阳性80例,阳性率为0.021%,呈逐年上升趋势;男性阳性率为0.029%,女性为0.015%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=28.82,P%0.01),且男性阳性率随年龄增长而降低;不同职业及文化程度人群HIV阳性率差异无统计学意义(P〉O.05)。无偿献血者5年平均梅毒一HIV合并阳性率为0.005%,全部为男性,占男性梅毒抗体阳性者的1.29%。结论太原市无偿献血者HIV抗体阳性率较低但有增高趋势,梅毒5年阳性率较高但无变化规律。梅毒、HIV对血液安全仍造成威胁,应加强对农民、工人及文化程度较低等高危人群献血前的征询。 [Abstract] Objective The prevalence of syphilis and HIV among blood donors was analyzed in order to provide a scien- tific basis for recruiting low-risk volunteers to donate blood. Methods Antibodies against syphilis and HIV were detec- ted in plasma specimens using ELISA. Specimens were from voluntary blood donors in Taiyuan from 2008--2012. The effects of age, gender, educational background, and occupation on infection were analyzed. Results From 2008 to 2012, the average rate of syphilis infection was 0. 584 %, with significant differences (χ2 = 22.63, P〈0.01) but no regu- lar changes in the rate of infection by year. The rate of syphilis infection was higher in females than males (χ2 = 18.28, P 〈0. 001). The rate of syphilis infection first increased and then decreased with age for both sexesl the rate peaked for males ages 41--50 and females ages 31--40. In terms of occupation, farmers and workers had a higher rate of infection (Xz = 248.84, P%0.01). Individuals with a middle school education or lower had a higher rate of infection (χ2 = 213.57, P%0.01). The rate of HIV infection was 0. 021% on average, and this rate tended to increase each year. More men were infected with HIV than women (χ2 =28.82, P〈0.01). In terms of age, the rate of HIV infection in males decreased with age. There were no obvious differences in the rate of HIV infection for individuals in different occupations or with different levels of education. The rate of co-infection with HIV and syphilis among voluntary blood donors was 0. 005% (all were male), and men with a co-infection of HIV and syphilis accounted for 1.29% of men with syphilis. Conclusion The rate of HIV infection among voluntary blood donors in the City of Taiyuan is relatively low but has tended to in- crease. The rate of syphilis infection was relatively high during the five years studied but did not change regularly. HIV and syphilis still pose risks to blood safety. High-risk blood donors such as farmers, workers, and individuals with
出处 《中国病原生物学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第10期927-930,共4页 Journal of Pathogen Biology
关键词 无偿献血者 输血感染 梅毒 HIV 太原市 Voluntary blood donor transfusion-transmitted infection syphilis HIV Taiyuan, Shanxi
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