
高斯白噪声信道下基于EMD的TH-PAM UWB通信性能改进

EMD-based BER Improvement of TH-PAM UWB Signal in AWGN Channel
摘要 经验模式分解(EMD)已广泛用于非线性和非平稳信号的研究,具有瞬态性和低截获概率的TH-PAM UWB信号为非平稳信号,利用EMD方法实现了从复杂的噪声环境中提取微弱TH-PAM UWB信号的目的。带噪信号被分解为若干个固有模态函数(IMF)和一个残余分量,再利用信号和噪声不同的时间尺度特性滤除大部分噪声,最后给出信号提纯和误比特率(BER)性能改进的仿真。 The empirical mode decomposition (EMD) method for analysing nonlinear and non-stationary data has attracted great research interests. Because, the IR-UWB signal which has the property of transient and low probability of intercept (LPI) is non-stationary. In this paper, the EMD method is used to extract the weak im- pulse radio signal from noisy environment. The noisy timing hopping (TH) binary pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) UWB signals are decomposed into a finite number of oscillatory modes known as intrinsic mode func- tions (IMFs) and a residue. Based on different time scale characteristic of the signal and noise, a majority of noise will be removed from signal by proper selection of IMFs. Simulations have demonstrated that an efficient elimi- nation of noise on UWB signal and a great improvement on Bit error rate (BER) are achieved.
作者 徐建敏
出处 《通信对抗》 2013年第3期32-35,共4页 Communication Countermeasures
关键词 经验模式分解(EMD) 超宽带(UWB) 信号降噪 误比特率(BER) empirical mode decomposition(EMD) ultra wide band(UWl3) signal denoising bit error rare(BER)
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