
复合荷载作用下锚杆重力式海上风机基础的地基承载特性 被引量:2

Bearing Behavior of Subsoil under a Gravity Foundation with Anchors for Offshore Wind Turbines Subjected to Combined Loading
摘要 针对最近提出的锚杆重力式海上风机基础形式,采用通用有限元分析软件ABAQUS研究了复合加载条件下此新型基础的承载特性。采用Swipe方法与固定位移比法构造了V(竖向)-H(水平)荷载平面的地基破坏包络线,计算结果表明:随着弯矩的增大,包络线会逐渐缩小。 A novel type of offshore wind turbine foundation, which is named gravity foun dation with anchors, has been proposed recently. The bearing capacity of subsoil under this foundation subjected to combined loading was analyzed in this study using three-dimensional finite element simulations. Failure envelope curves of subsoil in the V(vertical)-H(horizontal) load plane were constructed using both Swipe method and fixed displacement ratio method. It was found that as the bending moment increases, the size of failure envelope curves is reduced gradually.
出处 《中国海洋平台》 2013年第5期40-44,共5页 China offshore Platform
基金 国家自然科学青年基金项目(No.50909030) 深圳市龙岗区软科学研究项目(深龙科[2011]3)
关键词 海上风机 重力式基础 锚杆 三维有限元分析 复合加载 offshore wind turbine gravity foundation anchor three-dimensional finite element analysis combined loading
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