英国古典政治经济学的劳动价值论是指原始实物交换条件下的交换比例的决定法则 ,它必然同资本主义自由竞争条件下的商品价格决定和变动规律相抵触。亚当·斯密敏锐地觉察到了这个矛盾 ,但没有找到正确的解决办法 ,李嘉图同样没有提出有效的解决办法 ,但却坚持劳动价值论的普遍适用性 ,结果留下了被论敌攻击的口实。李嘉图的追随者企图用诡辩、曲解和不适当地扩大劳动概念的办法反驳论敌 ,结果完全糟蹋了原本还有一定科学性的劳动价值论 ,也使李嘉图学派归于解体。这段历史生动地表明实践才是检验真理的惟一标准 。
The theory of labor value in the classical political economy of england refers to the law which decides the exchange rate of ancient trade pby barter. It naturally contravenes the law of commodity price under the free competition of capitalism. Adam Smith noticed this conflict, but failed to find a solution. David Ricardo believed in the universality of the theory, but unfortunately left over some excuses to be attacked. The followers of Ricardo, however, twisted the scientificity of the theory by dilating inappropriately the notion of labor, thus leading to the disintegration of the School.
Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)