
苯妥英钠对内毒素作用下人牙周膜干细胞增殖影响研究 被引量:1

Effect of phenytoin on the proliferation of human periodontal ligament stem cells under existing lipopolysaccharide
摘要 目的研究苯妥英钠(PHT)对内毒素作用下人牙周膜干细胞(hPDLSCs)增殖的影响。方法本研究于2009年8月至2012年6月在滨州医学院中心实验室和西安交通大学医学院中心实验室完成。采用四唑盐(MTT)比色方法,测定体外培养的hPDLSCs分别在20μg/mL PHT+100 ng/mL脂多糖(LPS)、5μg/mL PHT+100 ng/mL LPS、20μg/mL PHT和5μg/mL PHT作用下的增殖活性。结果 20μg/mL PHT和5μg/mL PHT均能显著促进hPDLSCs的增殖,且20μg/mL PHT促进增殖的能力显著强于5μg/mL PHT;加入100 ng/mL LPS对20μg/mL和5μg/mL PHT促进增殖能力均无明显影响。结论低浓度PHT能促进hPDLSCs的增殖,少量内毒素的存在并不影响PHT促进hPDLCs增殖的生物学作用。 Objective To evaluate the effects of phenytoin(PHT)on proliferation of human periodontal ligament stem cells(hPDLSCs)under existing lipopolysaccharide(LPS). Methods MTT method was used to observe the proliferation of hPDLSCs cultured in vitro under the action of 20μg/mL PHT+100 ng/mL LPS,5μg/mL PHT+100 ng/mL LPS,20μg/mL PHT and 5μg/mL PHT,respectively. Results Both 20μg/mL and 5μg/mL PHT could enhance the proliferation of hPDLSCs,and furthermore the effect of 20μg/mL PHT was stronger. The enhancing effects of 20μg/mL and 5μg/mL PHT on the proliferation of hPDLSCs remained no change when 100 ng/mL LPS was added. Conclusion PHT at low concentration can enhance the proliferation of hPDLSCs;a small amount of LPS does not affect biological effect of PHT in enhancing the proliferation of hPDLSCs.
出处 《中国实用口腔科杂志》 CAS 2013年第10期600-603,共4页 Chinese Journal of Practical Stomatology
基金 烟台市科学技术发展计划项目(2008147)
关键词 苯妥英钠 内毒素 人牙周膜干细胞 细胞增殖 phenytoin lipopolysaccharide human periodontal ligament stem cells cell proliferation
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