对工人养殖的 3岁龄死亡的雄性林麝作全身骨骼系统观察测定 ,共拍摄照片 1 1幅。查明林麝全身共有 2 2 5块骨头。另有 4块喉软骨、1 3对肋软骨、牙齿 32枚 ,其中 1对上犬齿长达 6 5cm ,发现林麝善于奔跑弹跳 ,运动灵活的骨骼特征 :1、眼眶特大 ;2、颈椎、胸椎、腰椎发达 ;3、胸骨的前端未完全愈合 ;4、前肢短 ,每肢有两对细长的侧蹄 ,而后肢长 ,胫骨发达 ,腓骨细短 ,在胫骨近端 1 /3处消失 ,每肢两对侧蹄较前肢的侧蹄粗短 ;5、尾椎细短 ,仅有 5 2 5cm。
We tested the Moschuc berezovskii Flerov that are fed by man and died at three old We got eleven pictures And we found it has 225 bones altogether It has another 4 cartilages of larynx 13 couples of cartilago costalis and 32 teeth among them A couples of the upanine teeth is 6 5cm long We found the Moschuc Berezovkii Flerev is good at runing and jumping and the skeletion has the character of activity,Ⅰ:Its orbits are very wide Ⅱ:The vertebrac carvicales and the vertebrac thoracicae and the vertebrac lumbales are developmental Ⅲ:In front of the sternum is not compelotly intention Ⅳ:Its forelegs are short Each forelge has two couples of the side of feet with thin and long But hind legs are long The tibia is developmenttal The fibula is thin and short And it disapears at one third point of the tibia Each two couples of hind leg are stronger but shorter than the front ones Ⅴ:The so coccygis is short and thin Its is only 5 25cm long
Sichuan Animal & Veterinary Sciences
moschuc berezovskii
flerov the skeleton