
基于云计算与大数据的高等教育质量指数建构——技术、理论、机制 被引量:29

The Development of Higher Education Quality Index on the Basis of Cloud Computing and Big Data:Technology,Theory and Mechanism
摘要 高等教育及其质量是一个多层次多因素交织构成的复杂巨系统。如果高等教育质量的概念内涵和系统代表指标,像经济领域那样采用指数来表示,就能够比较简洁、及时、可靠地显示其状况(质量、问题、变化与趋势等),以为各级政府和各级各类大学提供科学的质量监管和决策依据。信息科学云计算与大数据的最新进展,为其实现提供了更先进的技术支持,也迫使高校信息资源共建共享制度建设的步伐提速。基于全国各省市的大学联盟成立数据联盟,是联合构建、发布和利用指数的最佳组织机构。一个彻底打破传统观念、框架、模式、方式的巨大教育信息化变革时代,已经山雨欲来,劲风满楼! Higher education and its quality are a complicated mega-system composed of multi-levels and multi-factors. If both the concept of higher education quality and its system index are clearly defined by index method in the economic field, the current situation and development trend of higher education quality can be displayed in a relatively simple, timely and reliable way, thereby providing scientific basis for the decision making process of government at all levels and universities in all forms. The latest developments in information science, i.e. cloud computing and mass data have provided advanced technical support for the development of information resources sharing system at the university level. Data alliance based on university alliances across the country may be the best organization to co-develop, publish and use higher education quality index. A great era of educational change that completely breaks the traditional concepts, frameworks, models and methods is drawing near, just as the wind sweeping through the tower heralds a rising storm in the mountains.
作者 赵伶俐
出处 《复旦教育论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期52-57,共6页 Fudan Education Forum
基金 教育部规划司特别委托项目"高等教育质量指标体系研究"(2010) 重庆市教育委员会特别委托项目"重庆市十二五高等教育发展规划"(2010)
关键词 云计算 大数据 高等教育质量 指数 数据制度 数据权力 数据联盟 Cloud Computing Big Data Higher Education Quality Index Data System Data Rights DataAlliance
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