
法国汉语评估及教学划时代的飞跃——论2013法国外语高考改革对国际汉语教学的巨大推动 被引量:7

On Epoch-making Development of Chinese Evaluation and Teaching in France :The Impetus of Reform of 2013 French College Entrance Examination to International Chinese Teaching
摘要 2013年,法国外语高考制度实行了重大改革。旧高考模式已不能适应对学生文化及言语能力的考查,而改革推出的新高考方案通过四个不同的文化概念考查学生的五项言语能力,并在全国统一使用评估标准表,改革更好地契合了《欧洲语言共同参考框架》的评估标准。汉语作为法国外语教学的一门语言学科,也是本次高考改革的对象之一。改革恰好顺应了汉语教学理念的需求,为汉语教学体制从教学到高考评估的日臻完善提供了契机,对汉语评估及教、学都将起到巨大的推动作用。 In 2013, the French college entrance examination of foreign languages has implemented some landmark reforms. Since the old format of the examination could not satisfy the need to evaluate students' capabilities of the cultures and languages, the new program evaluates the five language capabilities of students through four different culture notions, and unifies the national evaluation table to meet the evaluation criteria better in the CEFR. As a foreign language offered in the French secondary education, Chinese is also a part of the reform. Conforming exactly to the Chinese teaching ideology, the reform provides the great opportunity of self-improvement for the Chinese teaching system from teaching to language capabilities evaluation, and plays a huge role in promoting the Chinese evaluation, teaching and learning.
作者 白乐桑 廖敏
出处 《华文教学与研究》 CSSCI 2013年第4期4-10,共7页 TCSOL Studies
关键词 言语能力评估 全国统一评估表 文化切入点 欧洲语言共同参考框架 2013法国高考外语改革 evaluation of language capabilities national unity evaluation table cultural notions Common EuropeanFramework of Reference for Language (CEFR) 2013 reform of French college entrance examination of foreign languages
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