
知识转移视角下企业间组织结构转移案例研究 被引量:1

Case study of organizational structure transfer between enterprises from the perspective of knowledge transfer
摘要 组织结构转移是组织创新、产业升级的关键。通过对腾讯公司两次组织结构变革及其发展历程的案例分析,总结了企业间组织结构转移的路径和规律:组织结构的转移一般首先在同行业中进行,由创新能力领先的标杆企业向其他企业转移;组织结构转移的转移路径有规律但没有边界,不同行业、不同类型企业之间也能够实现转移。 The organizational structure transfer is the key to the organizational innovation and the industrial upgrading. The paper summarizes the paths and rules in organizational structure transfer between enterprises by analyzing the two changes of organiza- tion structure of Tencent and its development history and the following conclusions are obtained: the organizatiunal structure trans- fer is generally conducted first in the same industry, transferred from the benchmarking enterprises with leading innovation capa- bilities to other enterprises, and the paths of the organizational structure transfer have some rules but no boundary, so transfers may be conducted between different industries and different types of enterprises.
作者 杨世信
出处 《科研管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第11期78-86,共9页 Science Research Management
基金 国家社科基金项目(批准号:12AGL003,2012-2014) 广西财经学院重点立项课题(编号:2013A001)
关键词 知识转移 组织结构转移 组织变革 knowledge transfer organizational structure transfer organizational change
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