构建了鳗鲡(Anguilla)循环水养殖系统,该系统由玻璃钢养殖池、生物滤池等关键设施与设备组成。试验分设个体规格为19.60,8.20,2.99 g/尾等3个组,各组放养密度分别为14.92,11.33,9.25 kg/m3。养殖品种为太平洋双色鳗(Anguilla bicolor pacifica),养殖周期为113 d。试验结果显示:各组个体规格达74.99,25.95,7.74 g/尾,各组养殖密度分别达56.89,35.63,23.68 kg/m3,特定生长率分别为1.18,1.02,0.84%/d,饵料系数分别为1.28,1.25,1.42,存活率在98.9%以上。实现水循环利用率84.5%,生产1 kg鳗耗水量约为0.65 m3,单位净产量的电耗与能耗分别为4.69 kW·h/kg和2.01元/kg。结果表明,系统具有节能减排、养殖效果好等优点。
The recirculating aquaculture system for Anguilla constructed of the breeding pool of fiber reinforced plastics and biological aerated filters. The grouper Anguilla bicolor pacifica with an initial boby weight of 19.6 ( A), 8.2 ( B ) ,2.99 (C) g were reared in this system at stocking density of 14.92 ( A), 11.33 ( B ), 9.25 ( C ) kg/m^3 for 113 days. The results showed that the final body weight of 74.99 (A) ,25.95 (B) and 7.74 (C)g, which the stocking density of 23.68 kg/m3 ,35.63 kg/m^3 ,56.89 kg/m^3, which the specific growth rate(SGR) of 1.18%/d,1.02%/d,0.84%/d, and food conversion rate (FCR)of 1.28,1.25,1.42 were reached for grouper, and the survival rates were above 98.9%. The water recycling rate was 84.5% in re-circulating aquaculture system. The water consumption was about 0.65 m3/kg fish in this system. The power consumption and energy consumption of unit net yield was 4.69 kW · h/kg, 2.01 yuan/kg. The results showed that the system has a good property with energy-saving and emission-reductions and better effect of culture.
Fishery Modernization
recirculating aquaculture system
energy-saving and emission-reduction