设计了一种在FPGA中实现色彩空间转换的简易方法。先通过左移位将转换矩阵中的小数系数转换成整数,然后用Verilog HDL例化9个加法器和9个常系数乘法器并行流水实现色彩空间转换,最终通过右移位得到正确数值。并以RGB转YC b C r422为例,利用Modelsim进行仿真,并在Xilinx FPGA硬件平台上得到了验证。
This paper designs cients in transformation matrix are c a simple method for color space conversion in FPGA. First, the decimal coeffi- hanged stant coefficient multipliers are instantiated finally the correct values are obtained into integers through a left shift operation, then nine adders and nine con- to implement the conversion in parallel pipelines with Verilog HDL, and through verified on Xilinx FPGA hardware platform by a right shift operation. This method is simulated with Modelsim and converting RGB to YCbCr422.
Electronic Science and Technology