陪审团制度 ,是英美法系最具有特色的一种审判制度。英国陪审团对参与审理的法院和审理的案件类型 ,陪审团成员的任职资格和产生程序 ,陪审团在法庭上的职责等都有其特色规定 ;英国社会对陪审团参与法庭审理的评价也褒贬不一。
Jury trial is mostly characteristic of the legal systems both in the Britain and in the United States.This paper covers the information of 1)what kinds of court hearing involve jury trial and what kinds of cases are held in this way of trial;2) the qualifications for being a juror and the procedures of juror-selection;3) the obligations of the jury in court;and 4) how the British public sees the jury trial.
Journal of National Prosecutors College