Abstract: Objective To analyze the clinical characters and epidemic trend of infectious disease, so as to pro- vide scientific basis for developing appropriate strategies, control methods and reducing the harm of infectious diseases. Methods Descriptive epidemiological method was used to analyze the epidemiological characteristics of infectious diseases reported from 2006 to 2010 in Baotou city. Results A total of 25 kinds and 56 825 cases of infectious diseases were reported from 2006 to 2010 in Baotou, in which there was no type A infectious dis- ease, 17 kinds and 44 815 cases of type B infectious disease, 8 kinds and 12 743 cases of type C infectious disease were reported. Annual incidence of infectious diseases was between 441.86/105 and 586. 12/105, ac- counting for 34. 67% with a decline trend. Blood and sexually transmitted diseases were the major constituent of type B infection diseases, which accounted for 48.97%, and the incidence was between 184. 11/105 and 202. 23/105, which showed an increasing trend. Respiratory diseases took the second place which accounted for 34. 67%, with the incidence between 177.03/105 and 172. 38/105, decreasing year by year. The intesti- nal infectious diseases accounted for 12. 87%, with the incidence between 34. 02/105 and 73.10/105, which decreased year by year. Zoonotic and arthropod - borne diseases accounted for 3.49%, with the incidence be- tween 2.28/105 and 38.78/105, increasing year by year. Only one case of neonatal tetanus was reported in 2009 with the incidence being 0. 04/105. Conclusions In consolidating the past achievements of infectious diseases control, meanwhile, further efforts should be made to control hepatitis B, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, syphilis, brucellosis, influenza A/H1 N1 and hand - foot - mouth disease to reduce infectious disease gradually and guarantee the health of public.
Journal of Medical Pest Control
Infectious disease
Baotou city