In the process of social administration, the administrative organs get a large quantity of in formation on business secret and individual privacy which is protected by laws. Because of the lacks of law and working experience, the administrative organs may disclosure some information to third party incorrect- ly. These may cause badly damages to the information rights. According to the present laws in China, people who have the rights of information can't initiate the legal proceedings and claim for the national compensa- tion until they suffer real damages of the disclosure of secret information. We know that many foreign coun- tries have set a system of prior judicial remedies in the process of information disclosure. The informants and stakeholders can initiate the administrative pro- ceedings and stop the information disclosure in time. We should learn the successful experiences and set a system of anti-information disclosure litigation. It is quite a good way to protect the right of privacy and intellectual property in the form of law.
Special Zone Economy
the anti-information disclosure litiga- tion
judicial remedies
trade secret
the right of pri vacy