从中性蛋白酶、碱性蛋白酶、复合风味蛋白酶Flavourzyme、脂肪酶Palatase 20000L、脂肪酶HY-2 5种商业酶中筛选出切达干酪促熟复合酶制剂,以蛋白质水解度、脂肪水解度和综合感官评分为指标,优选出合适的复合酶制剂和添加量,同时研究复合促熟酶的添加方式和成熟温度对干酪促熟效果的影响。结果表明,筛选出切达干酪复合促熟酶包括复合风味蛋白酶Flavourzyme和脂肪酶Palatase 20000L,其添加量分别为Flavourzyme 0.15%(m/m),Palatase20000L0.08mL/kg·干酪,复合促熟酶在干拌盐后10min添加,成熟温度为9℃。制得切达干酪成熟30d与对照样干酪成熟180d的成熟性指标比较接近。
Commercial flavour-enhancing enzymes were screened to accelerate Cheddar cheese ripening. The Commercial enzymes including neutrase, alcalase, flavourzyme and lipase HY-2. Screening a suitable compound and add quantity of enzymes by an indicator of the degree of hydrolysis of proteins and fats and flavour score, and studies on the effect of ripening temperature and add toothed on acceleration Cheddar cheese ripening. Results: the complex enzymes inclu- ding flavourzyme and palatase 20000L, and its add quantity were 0.15% (m/m) and 0. 08 mL/kg cheese, respectively. 10min after work to add cheese the complex enzymes, and the mature tempera ture is 9 ℃. Cheddar cheese made by the complex enzymes mature 30 d close to the control cheese ripening 180 d maturity indicators.
Food and Machinery