目的探讨医学生无聊倾向性与学习动机、核心自我评价之间的关系,为医学生无聊情绪的干预提供线索与依据。方法采用分层整群抽样方法,从宁夏某医科院校随机抽取1 667名学生进行问卷调查。结果医学生无聊倾向性在性别、年级及不同专业满意度间的差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.05);医学生无聊倾向性总分及内、外部刺激两维度与学习动机总分及各维度、核心自我评价之间均存在负相关关系(P值均<0.01);核心自我评价、学习动机能力追求维度可联合显著预测无聊倾向性45.8%的变异量;核心自我评价在学习动机与大学生无聊倾向性间起部分中介作用,中介效应占总效应的59.4%。结论医学生无聊倾向性与学习动机、核心自我评价之间关系密切。应引导和激发医学生的学习动机,帮助其建立积极的自我评价,减少无聊体验。
Objective To investigate the relationship of boredom proneness,learning motivation and core self-evaluation among medical students.Methods Using stratified cluster sampling method,random sample of 1 667 students from Ningxia Medical University were selected and surveyed with questionnaires.Results Boredom proneness score have statistically significant differences in gender,grade and professional satisfaction(P 0.05);there were negative correlations between boredom proneness with internal / external stimuli dimensions,learning motivation total score and dimension score,and core self-evaluations(P 0.01).Interaction of core self-evaluation and ability to pursue of learning motivation could account for 45.8% of boredom proneness' variance.Core self-evaluation had mediation effects on the association of learning motivation and boredom proneness,accounting for about 59.4%.Conclusion Boredom proneness is closely related with learning motivation and core self-evaluation among medical students.It is imperative to foster motivation of learning among college students,as well as to help them build a positive self-evaluation and reduce boring experience.
Chinese Journal of School Health