
中药口服加灌肠治疗血精21例 被引量:1

Treatment of Hematospermia by Traditional Chinese Medicine Orally Combining Coloclysis for 21 Cases
摘要 目的观察中药口服加灌肠治疗血精的效果。方法将42例血精患者随机分为观察组和对照组。观察组(21例)采用中药口服加灌肠的治疗方案,对照组(21例)采用西医抗菌消炎加超声波导入的治疗方案。30天为一疗程,进行对比研究,观察其治疗前后症状,判断其临床疗效[1]。结果完成研究38例,提前出院4例。观察组总有效率高于对照组总有效率,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。对照组和治疗组均未见任何不良反应,血精消失。结论中药口服加灌肠治疗血精具有副作用小,见效快,简单易行和价格低廉的优点。 To observe the effect of Traditional Chinese Medicine orally combining eoloclysis treatment. Methods 2 Hernatosperrnia patients wererandomly divided into observation group and control group. The Observation group (21 cases) used oral medcine and traditional Chinese medicine enerm treatment prcgrams, the control group (21 cases) used ultrasound introduction and Western medicine antibacterial anti - inflanmatory treatment programs 30 clays for a course, we had a comparative study, in which symptoms had been observed before and after treatment, clinical efficacy bad been deter- mimed Resultss Complete the study in 38 cases, 4 cases discharged early. Total effidency of observation group were higher than that in control group, the difference was statistically significant( P ≤0. 01). The control group and the treatment group were no adverse disappear Hematospermia. Conclusion Hematospermia treated by the oral medicine plus traditional Chinese medicine enerm bad small effects, quick, simple and inexpensive.
作者 张莉莉
机构地区 江苏省中医院北
出处 《中国中医药现代远程教育》 2013年第18期23-24,共2页 Chinese Medicine Modern Distance Education of China
关键词 中药口服 中药灌肠 血精 Traditional Chinese Medicine Orally Traditional Chinese Medicine coloclysis Hematospermia
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