目的 :探讨糖尿病与妇科手术的关系。方法 :分析 46例糖尿病患者施行中型或大型妇科手术 ,术前行降血糖治疗 ,术中、术后使血糖浓度控制在 7.0~ 8.0 mmol/ L (12 0~ 140 m g/ d L )。结果 :伤口 期愈合 40例 , 期愈合率为87.0 % ;伤口感染 期愈合 6例 ,伤口感染 期愈合率为 13.0 % ;46例糖尿病患者全部安全渡过围手术期。结论 :糖尿病患者行妇科手术 ,其危险性与伤口感染率增加 ,保持围手术期血糖浓度相对稳定是手术成功的关键。
Objectives:To evaluate relationship between diabetes and gynecologic surgery.Methods:To analysis retrospectively major or middle type gynecologic operation were performed on 46 cases with diabetes.Therapy of decreasing blood sugar concentration must be performed before operation,so as to keep its concentration between 7.0~8.0 mmol/L during peri-operation period.Results:Wounds of 40 cases recovered in stage 1 and recovered rate in stage 1 was 87.0%.Inflammatory wounds of 6 cases recovered in stage 2 and recovered rate in stage 2 was 13.0%.Blood magnesium concentration of 3 cases was decrease after operation.Performed operations on 46 cases with diabetes were safe during peri-opration period.Conclusion:The risk and the rate of wound inflammation are increasing apparently for this disease It is a important for the operation that concentration of blood sugar retains on a level in relative steady during peri-opration period.
Journal of Practical Obstetrics and Gynecology