目的 :根据宫腔镜检查和子宫内膜病理组织学检查的结果探讨 IUD引起的出血原因。方法 :对放置 IUD≥ 6个月异常子宫出血者 5 1例 ,对照组 2 4例进行了宫腔镜检查 ,观察了子宫内膜情况及部分病理组织学检查。结果 :发现IUD异常在研究组占 84.3% ,对照组占 2 5 % (P<0 .0 1)。其中部分与宫腔不相适应有关。放置 IU D引起子宫内膜的病理改变较对照组严重 ,其中尤以子宫内膜充血水肿 ,慢性炎症 ,出血 ,组织坏死等多见。使用宫腔镜检查 IUD机械性损伤可以初步判断引起副反应的原因 ,在临床上有一定的实用价值。
Object:[WT5”BZ]Hysteroscopic biopsy and pathologic examination of endonetrium were employed for detecting the causes of uferine bleeding after inset IUD.Method:[WT5”BZ]The Hysterosocy and endometrium pathologic biopsy were performed in 51 cases of abnormal uterine bleeding after ≥6 months of insertion.Result:Incidence of abnormal IUD were 84.3% in studing group and 25% in control group ( P <0.01).Some of abnormal IUD may be not compatibie to uterine cavity.The endometrium pathologic changes of study group were more severe than that of control group.Common changes were endometrium congestion, edema, chronic inflammation, bleeding and necrosis.The result suggests that examining IUD machanical injure with hysteroscopy may primaryly determine the causes of side reactions and it is valuable in clinical pratice.
Journal of Practical Obstetrics and Gynecology