试验选用产后 40天以后尚无发情表现的奶牛 77头 ,根据卵巢状态分为卵巢静止组 ( 4 1头 )及卵巢黄体组 ( 36头 ) ;两个试验组每组又按处理时间分为产后 40~ 60天及产后 60~ 1 0 0天两组。采用 1 0 0 0IUPMSG处理卵巢静止母牛 ,采用PGF2α肌肉注射处理卵巢黄体组母牛 ,可显著缩短奶牛产犊间隔 ;处理时间的早晚并不影响处理效果 ,但产后 40~
Seventy seven cows,which had not been estrus after calving for at 40 days,were chosen and divided into two groups according to status of ovaries including Group 1;41 cows,with static ovary,and Group 2;36 cows,with corpus luteum in ovary.These two groups were further divided into postpartum 40~60 day group and postpartum 61~100 days group.And cows of Group 1 and Group 2 were treated with 1 000 IU PMSG and PGF 2α respectively.It is showed that both treatments shortened the interval of reproduction distinctly,and treating during postpartum 40~60 days was somewhat good to shorten the interval of reproduction although the period of the treatment did not affect that distinctly.
Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences