The word of "Literature" is one concept introduced from the Western world. Using it to describe the Chinese ancient literature has much improperness, which mainly embodies in following aspects. The main spirit of Chinese ancient poetics is "poetry expressing ideals" rather than winning with emotion in purely literary sense. The form characteristic of Chinese ancient poetics is "body paper" instead of the all-round body of "Literature". The relationship between Chinese ancient Confucian classics, historical records, philosophical writings, miscellaneous works and research object of literature subject is crossed and deviated. Since the reform and opening up, many scholars have conducted a review and profound reflection and the construction of new pattern of literary history. The construction of the new pattern of literary history should first focus on the discrimination of "Literature" concept. Second, pay attention to the expression of the background of literary texts and the emphasis of the relationship between the identity of philosophical writings and historical records and the literariness of texts. Finally, properly maintain the separate identity of the literariness of philosophical writings.
Chongqing Social Sciences
literature, the history of Chinese literature, establishment route of literature