In assemblies constructed from components manufactured with radial deviations, cross-section deviations and deviations being combination of both, there occur variable values of local stresses and displacements. Both the types of shape deviations and their values need to be taken into account in the designing process and play an important role during machine operation. They have a crucial effect on the value and scatter of maximum reduced von Mises stresses and contact stresses. Axisymmetric joints were examined, in which shafts in selected shape variants and in variable angular positions were associated with a non-deformable hole. The aspects of contact zone problems are presented using the example of numerical simulation of contact between an elliptical saddle-shaped shaft placed in a rigid, non-deformable hole in different angular positions. Occurrence of both variable relative stresses and contact stresses as well as shaft's axial shift and rotary movement resistance were demonstrated.