Purpose: To explore the imaging appearance and basic pathology of pneumoconiosis combined with tuber- culosis, and to improve the diagnosis ability. Materials and Methods: The imaging findings of pneumoconiosis combined with tuberculosis in 127 cases was analyzed retrospectively, all patients were diagnosed definitely by sputum smear, sputum cultures and clinical data, 106 cases were males, 21 cases were females, with age from 25 to 82 years. More than a chest X- ray films inspection were performed on all cases, and 64cases of them CT examination. Results: Pneumoconiosis combined with tuberculosis can be divided into infiltrating type, mass micronodular type and spread type. Of 127 cases of pneumoconio- sis combined with tuberculosis, 72 cases were mass micronodular type, the combined rate was 56. 7% . Merger of cavity 28 cases, pleural effusion 13 cases, pleural thickening 8 cases, atelectasis 2 cases. 13 cases were spread type, the combined rate was 10. 2% . Merger of pleural effusion 2 cases. Conclusion: Pneumoconiosis combined with tuberculosis persons have the pneumoconiosis and the common characteristics of tuberculosis . Dynamic observation X-ray chest radiograph, infiltrates vene- real kitchen increased on double upper lung field, or mass horizontal to expand all round, the short term lesions fusion, empty formation in the original pneumoconiosis disease foundation. It could he considered merger tuberculosis. It is of great signifi- cance to germ feminine pneumoconiosis tuberculosis.
Modern Medical Imageology
X-ray computed
Imaging diagnosis