
开放教育资源质量保证准则--TIPS框架 被引量:16

Quality Assurance Guidelines for Open Educational Resources: TIPS Framework
摘要 目前开放教育资源被看作是实现全民教育目标的一种可行办法,对于发展中国家而言更是如此。无论是引进和改编发达国家的开放教育资源还是开发本土开放教育资源,发展中国家都能够从中受益。本文所阐述的这些准则旨在为中小学教师提供一些思路,使更多教师加入开放教育资源建设行列。换言之,教师在开发自己的开放教育资源的时候,可以参考这些准则。但是,并不是每一个开放教育资源的开发或每一位教师都必须逐一对照这些准则,制订这些准则的目的不是为了规定一定要怎么做,而是要在有兴趣自己开发开放教育资源的教师当中形成一种质量文化,鼓励他们进行专业反思。学生在自建学习资源的过程中能很好学到终身学习所必备的更高层次批判性思维技能,所以这些准则的目标对象也包括可能想通过自建学习资源进行学习的学生。本文所提出的准则框架尚在完善之中,因此希望得到用户的反馈以进一步完善。本文介绍较为简略的TIPS框架,T代表教学和学习(Teaching and learning)过程、I代表信息和材料内容(Information and material content)、P代表呈现、产品和格式(Presentation,product and format),而S代表系统、技术性的和技术(System,technical and technology)。 Open Educational Resources(OER) are currently seen as a viable way forward for achieving education for all. In particular developing countries can benefit through creating indigenous OER as well as through importing and adapting OER from developed regions. These Guidelines set out to increase the author-base by offering ideas to teachers in primary and secondary schools- so that when they look at creating their own OER they have recourse to these guidelines to help them. Not all the criteria listed here are relevant to each OER or to each author, and no prescriptive purpose is intended. The aim is to offer a starting point for building a culture of quality and professional reflection among teachers who are interested in creating their own OER. Student-created materials are excellent at imparting the higher-order critical thinking skills for lifelong learning- so the intended audience here includes also students who may want to learn through creating their own OER. The framework of criteria is offered here as a work-in-progress, and hopes to stimulate feedback from users of the guidelines so as to improve them. This paper presents a short-form T.I.P.S. framework where the TIPS acronym stands for the Teaching and learning process, the Information and material content, the Presentation, product and format, and System, technical and technology.
出处 《中国远程教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第19期11-21,46,共12页 Chinese Journal of Distance Education
关键词 开放教育资源 质量保证 准则 TIPS框架 制作数字化资源 Open Educational Resources(OER) quality assurance guidelines TIPS Framework authoring digital resources
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