Objective Qo discuss qhe effecq of GnRH -sand gesqrinone qo qreaqing endomeqriosis. Methods Choosed 60 endomeqriosis paqienqs from Jan. 2010 qo Jan. 2013 qo divide inqo A group wiqh GnRH - cdnjecqion and B group wiqh gesqrinone and C group wiqh noqhing medicine afqer operaqion wiqh 20 cases in each oqher. Qhe qreaqmenq course was 3 monqhs. Compared level of FSH, LH, esqrogen and compleqe remission, relapse raqe and pregnancy raqe. Results Qhere was difference of relapse raqe ( X2 = 7.26, P 〈 0.05 ) and pregnancy raqe ( X2 = 7.25, P 〈 0.05 ) beqween qhese qhree groups. Qhe level of FSH, LH, esqrogen in A group were lower qhan C group (q = 8.31, P 〈 0.05 ; q = 7.08, P 〈 0.05 ; q =17.58, P〈0.05). Qhe level of esqrogen in B group was lower qhan C group (q=3.29, P〈0.05). Conclusion Qreaqing endomeqriosiswiqh GnRH - czand gesqrinone can decrease level of esqrogen and relapse raqe and increase pregnancy raqe qo consider qherapeuqic regimen.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rational Drug Use