

Design of Beam Controlled by Intelligent Tire Based on the Internet of Things
摘要 近年来,汽车进入寻常百姓家,人们拥有轿车的数量迅猛增长,汽车的安全性、舒适性与人们的生活息息相关.现在很多小区的物业部门在人防、物防、技防措施方面都下了很大功夫,但仍存在一些治安隐患,如围墙高度不够、监测探头不到位、部分红外监控未起作用等问题.因此,现在越来越多的物业管理部门在小区门口都加装了打卡器,车辆进出小区必须打卡,但是一些业主嫌"麻烦",除了耽误时间,有时还会发生溜车的危险.本论文为了解决上述问题,设计了一种智能轮胎来控制横杆,可以实现不用停车打卡,横杆就能自动开启的功能. In recent years, cars have went into normal families with the high number of the owns. The safety and amenity has intense relationship with the lives of people. Though the property sector has paid enough attention to people's air defence, object protection and technology, security hidden danger still exit. For example, the height of the wall is not enough, monitoring probe is not in place, part of the infrared monitoring does not play a role,and so on. So more and more property sectors have installed punch devices at the gate of the communities when the cars come in or go out. But at the same time, business owner felt it's wasting time, beside the danger of car rolling. In this people, we design the in- telligent tire controlling beam, which not only it's not essensial for stopping the car, but also the beam can auto-promote.
作者 任侠
出处 《聊城大学学报(自然科学版)》 2013年第3期103-105,共3页 Journal of Liaocheng University:Natural Science Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61205005)
关键词 物联网 智能轮胎 横杆 射频识别 the internet of things, intelligent tire, beam, RFID
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