记述采自陕西省佛坪自然保护区蚱科昆虫 3新种 ,即二齿尖顶蚱 Teredorusbidentatus sp.n.、秦岭蚱 Tetrix qinlingensis sp.n.及波股蚱 Tetrix undatifemurasp.n.。模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所标本室。
In the present paper, three new species of Tetrigidae from Shaanxi are described. Type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Shaanxi Normal University. 1. Teredorus bidentatus, sp. nov. (Figs.1~4) This new species is allied to Teredorus prominemarginus Zheng et Jiang and Teredorus camurimarginus Zheng. It differs from the both in: 1) total length of pronotum larger than the length of pronotum which exceed the top of hind femur about 5.6(♀)~6.7(♂) times; 2) the length of upper valvus of ovipositor larger than its width about 2.14 times; 3) hind margin of subgenital plate of female with two teeth. It differs from the latter in: 1) lateral keels of prozona distinct, parallel; 2) length of elytra larger than its width about 2.5 times. Length of body: ♂8 mm~8.5 mm, ♀12mm; length of pronotum: ♂9 mm~10 mm, ♀14mm; length of hind femur: ♂5 mm~6 mm, ♀8 mm. Holotype ♀, paratypes 3♂♂, Shaanxi: Foping(Zhongzui), 107°9′E, 33°6′N,1326 m, 25-Ⅶ-1997, collected by Huo Ke ke. 2. Tetrix undatifemura, sp. nov. (Figs.5~7) This new species is related to Tetrix tubercarina Zheng et Jiang, but differs in: 1) in profile, vertex and frontal ridge forming an acute angle; 2) frontal ridge before the lateral ocelli depressed; 3) length of antennary middle segment 2.8 times its width; 4) without a pair of short longitudinal ridge between the shoulders; 5) hind process of pronotum excee ding the top of hind femur; 6) disc of pronotum dense with numerous small pellets. Length of body: ♀10 mm~10.5 mm; length of pronotum: ♀10 mm; length of hind femur: ♀5 mm. Holotype ♀, paratype ♀, Shaanxi: Foping (Sanxianfeng), 107°9′E, 33°8′N,2540 m, 27-Ⅶ-1997, collected by Huo Ke ke. 3. Tetrix qinlingensis, sp. nov. (Figs.8~9) This new species is allied to Tetrix subulata (Linnaeus) and Tetrix sinufemoralis Liang. It differs from both in: 1) anterior margin of vertex straight; 2) frontal ridge and vertex in profile froming an obtuse angle.
陕西省教委专项科研基金项目!(98JK0 1 9)
Orthoptera, Tetrigidae, new species, Shaanxi