藤本植物是一类生活型特殊的非自然分类群 ,笔者从藤本植物的来源、类型、数量、性质等角度探讨了中国亚热带东部藤本植物的多样性特征。结果如下 :1本区计有藤本植物58科、1 64属、61 1种 (不包括蕨类藤本 ) ,分别占总被子植物科、属和种的 2 9.1 %、1 0 .3%和9.6% ,在种的丰富度上略高于温带森林区域 (7% ) ,而低于热带区域 (1 9% ) ;木质藤本占绝对优势 ,为 72 .3% ,草质藤本占 2 7.7%。 2主要由含少量藤本的科、属组成 ,含 5种以下的科占 67.2 %、属占 82 .9% ;但藤本种类的数量集中在少数几个大科或属中 ,51 .9%的藤本属于葡萄科和豆科等 1 0个大科。 3两性花类占 60 .6% ,单性花类占 34.7% (其中雌雄异株类占30 .8% )和杂性花类占 4.7%。 4攀援类型分为 4大类、9小类 ;缠绕类 (Twining)占 56.6% ;卷曲类 (Curling)占 2 7.5% ,又可分出叶柄卷曲类 (PC)、卷须类 (TC)和小枝卷曲类 (BC) 3小类 ;搭靠类 (Hooking)占 1 0 .0 % ,又可分为枝搭类 (BH)、钩搭类 (HH)和刺搭类 (TH) 3小类 ;吸固类 (Adhering)最少 ,仅占 5.9% ,也可分为不定根类 (ARA)和吸盘类 (AA)两小类。 5藤本区系来源广泛 ,其中藤本属的分布区有 1 3个类型 ;热带区系成分占明显优势为 69.3% ,温带成分占 2 8.1 % ,特有分布类型占 2 .6%?
Subtropical Zone of East China (SZEC) covers the area from Tropic of Cancer to 34°N,including Chinese region of extra tropical evergreen broad leaved forest,where climate is warm and wet.Vines are very common in the area,but the ecology of vines is virtually a blank.Based on analysis of flora,breeding system,climbing mechanics and habit of vines in SZEC,the diversity of vines was studied.The results are as follows:(1)There are 611 clim bing species,belonging to 164 genera and 58 families,which account for 9 6%, 10 3% and 29 1% of the whole angiosperm flora in SZEC,respectively.The vine abundance of flora in SZEC is higher than that (7%) in the temperate,less than that (19%) in the continental tropic.Lianas account for 72 3%,and vines 27 7%.(2)Vine flora composes mainly of small families and genera in SZEC.The number of families with 1~5 vine species is 39(67 2%) and the number of genera with 1~5 vine species is 136(82 9%).Although vine species are included in many families,the majority belongs to relatively few families.Thus 59 1% of the 611 vine species belong to 10 families (e.g.Vitaceae,Leguminosae,Ranunculaceae,Actinidiaceae,Cucurbitaceae and so on).(3)In the vine sexual systems the hermaphrodites account for 60 6%,the dioecious 30 8% and the monoecious 3 9%, and polygamous 4 7%.(4)Vine climbing mechanics are divided into 9 types:the stem twining (56 6%),the tendril curling (20 3%),the petiole curling (6 4%),the branch curling (0 8%),the thorn hooking (8 2%),the branch hooking (1 3%),the hook hooking (0 5%),the adventitious root adhering (4 9%) and the adhesive apparatus adhering (1 0%).(5) Vine flora in SZEC is complex and is characterized by the dominance of tropical floral elements.According to the classification of the areal types by professor Wu Zhenyi(1991),vine genera may be divided into 13 areal types,among which the tropical elements account for 69 3%, the temperate elements only 28 1% and the endemic 2 6% in SZEC.
Journal of Wuhan Botanical Research
国家自然科学基金!(编号 :39770 1 2 9)