本文测定了兔膈肌钙释放单位中骨骼肌型DHPRα1 亚单位和RyRs的mRNA与蛋白表达水平 ,探讨了兔膈肌钙释放单位的结构组成特征。采用RT PCR、原位杂交和免疫组织化学技术 ,分别测定兔膈肌骨骼肌型DHPRα1 亚单位和RyR1、RyR2 及RyR3 的mRNA与蛋白表达。结果显示 ,兔膈肌可见较高水平的骨骼肌型α1 亚单位和RyR1mRNA与蛋白表达 ;较低水平的RyR3mRNA与蛋白表达。表明兔膈肌钙释放单位由骨骼肌型DHPR、RyR1和RyR3 构成 ,Ca2 +释放可能具有变构耦联和CICR耦联两种形式 ,RyR3 的存在可能是膈肌ECC依赖于细胞外Ca2 +的主要原因。
To detect mRNA and protein expression of skeletal dihydropridine receptor isoform alpha 1 subunit and ryanodine receptor 1 and 3 in diaphragm muscle of rabbits, the coupling mode and characteristics of Ca 2+ release were explored. Reverse transcription PCR, in situ hybridization and immunohistochemical methods were employed. A higher level of mRNA and protein expression of DHPR α1 and RyR 1, and a lower level of mRNA expression of RyR 3 were found. It is suggested that the calcium release unit may consist of skeletal DHPR isoform, RyR 1 and RyR 3, and there may be two kinds of Ca 2+ release mode via conformational changes in linked proteins and Ca 2+ induced Ca 2+ release ( CICR ) in diaphragm muscle of rabbits. [WT5HZ]
Acta Physiologica Sinica
supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.39470326)