引入哈克尼西棉胞质雄性不育系DES HAMS 2 77、DES HAMS1 6和恢复系DES HAF2 77、DES HAF1 6 ,通过杂交和系统选育改良了恢复系 ,提高了育性恢复能力并实现三系配套。在测配、筛选高优组合的同时 ,研究了胞质的遗传效应 ,探讨了制种技术。目前 。
The harknessii cytoplasm male sterile lines DES-HAMS277, DES-HAMS16 and the restore lines DES-HAF277, DES-HAF16 were imported from USA in 1980. The sterile lines had thoroughly male sterility and the restore lines couldn′t restore the sterility completely. The restoring ability of the restore lines have been improved by multiple parents cross and selection. The fertile individuals in the F 1 population have arrived 100%. Also the cytoplasmic effects of harknessii cytoplasm have been dissected by preparing 210 crosses. A cross 1109A×H808 obtained more than 15% yield increase in three years experiments, and is being planted in the field for demonstration and further test. Many studies have given strong evidences that the hybrid seeds could be effectively obtained by handle cross pollination and pollinated by raising honeybees.
Hubei Agricultural Sciences