以中熟苦瓜品种蓝山大白为试材,用CPPU10mg·L-1,20mg·L-1,50mg ·L-1和100mg·L-1在开花当天和花前3天,花前1天以及花后3天,花后1天处 理苦瓜子房,研究了对苦瓜果实生长、膨大和产量形成以及营养品质的影响。同 时,对CPPU促进苦瓜果实生长和膨大的机理作了研究。试验结果表明,10mg· L-1、20mg·L-1和50mg·L-1的CPPU在开花前、后1天和开花当天处理苦瓜子 房,有加速苦瓜果实的生长、促进果实膨大、增加单果重和促进商品果提早成熟的 效果。以开花当天用20mg·L-1CPPU处理苦瓜子房效果最好,单果鲜重分别增加 26. 8%和 7. 8%。 CPPU处理促进了苦瓜果肉细胞的早期快速分裂和细胞个体生 长, CPPU促进细胞个体的长大是促进果实膨大和提早成熟的直接原因。
The effects of CPPU on fruit growth of Momordica charantia L. were studied. The result showed that 10mg. L-1, 20mg. L-1 and 50mg. L-1 of CPPU accelerated the ovary growth and caused the fruit ripen earlier than the control, when Momordica charantia L. ovary were soaked with CPPU solution at anthesis, and 1 day before or after anthesis respectively. Among them, 20mg. L-1 CPPU treated at anthesis was more effective. The fruit fresh weight and dry weight increased by 26.8% and 7.8% over the control respectively. CPPU dramatically increased the fruit cell diameter in radical section, vertical section and tangential section by 10.92%-35.42%, 11 .40%-40.97% and 10. 55%-28.38%, respectively, than the control. CPPU accelerated cell division and growth at early period. This might be related to CPPU regulating endogenous IAA, GA, CTK and ABA levels.
Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences