
旅游业碳源系统研究:横向与纵向两维视角 被引量:11

Carbon Source System in Tourism Industry:From Lateral and Longitudinal Perspective
摘要 全球气候变暖引发对温室气体排放的关注。随着旅游产业规模的不断壮大,旅游业对环境的影响日益凸显,旅游业碳排放成为全球关注的焦点。旅游业碳排放测度首先应厘清碳源体系,确定范围。横向上,基于旅游业构成廓清旅游业主要碳源组分:旅游交通业、旅游景区业、旅游住宿业、旅游餐饮业、旅游娱乐业、旅游购物业,并整理旅游业各组分碳源的测度清单:能源、土地利用方式与废弃物。纵向上,基于生命周期评价构建"前期-中期-后期"的旅游业碳排放测度范围,抛却仅限于"服务时"的碳排放测度的窠臼。对旅游业碳源系统相对准确的认识,有利于确定旅游业碳排放主要来源部门及减排措施的主要目标,为政府部门提供更有针对性、更科学的决策参考。 Global climate change is the most important environmental problem that humans have faced so far, especially the problem of global climate warming. The emission of greenhouse gases with CO2 as a representa tive is recognized as one of the culprits which lead to global climate warming.In the 21st century, with the growing scale of tourism industry, tourism industry has showed increasingly prominent influence on climate and environment, which causes attention of the social from all walks of life. And tourism carbon emissions and compensation problems have become the focus and hot spots of global. To measure the amount of CO2 emis sions produced by tourism, and understand the basic situation of tourism carbon emissions, we must first find out what activities, process are consuming energy and exhausting greenhouse gases with CO2 as a representa tive, namely carbon source. This paper explores carbon source system of tourism from two perspectives: tour ism components in lateral perspective and total life stages of tourism major departments in longitudinal per spective. First, from the lateral perspective, we build carbon source components of tourism based on the main components of tourism industries, and the main components of tourism industries are: tourist communications industries,tourism scenic spot industries, tourism hotel industries, tourism catering industries, tourist entertain ment industries and tourist commodity industries. Then from the longitudinal perspective,the authors construct the carbon source subdivision of tourism major departments of the "early stage-middle stage-later stage" total life stages based on Life Cycle Assessment, abandoning the stereotypical measurement of carbon emissions which is only limited to "serving" and broadening the horizons of measure objects of carbon emissions. A rela tively consistent and accurate understanding about carbon source system is favorable to find out the main tour ism industry departments that produce carbon emissions and the major goals of carbon
作者 丁雨莲 赵媛
出处 《地理科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第10期1188-1195,共8页 Scientia Geographica Sinica
基金 安徽省哲学社会科学规划项目(AHSK09-10D59) 江苏省高校优势学科建设工程项目资助
关键词 旅游业 碳源 组分 清单 生命周期分析 toursim industry carbon source component list Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
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