the method of potting soil culture, the excess sludge and in accordance with the quality of the tested soil than for the 0: 3, 1: 2, 2:1 ratio and 3: 0, and big flower of bracketplant geranium planting seedlings, on a regular basis to determine the plant height, root length, plant dry weight and fresh weight and other biomass and chlorophyll and root activity, and Cu in plant, zinc, Cd, Pb and Cr content change of heavy metals; Determination of the heavy metal content in plant by plant roots before and after the sludge of heavy metals and EDTA etc. The results showed that the extract content of bracketplant to a variety of heavy metals have very good patience, little affected by the heavy metals. Braeketplant of Cr and zinc enrichment effect is good, enrichment coefficient of Cr in a particular phase is greater than 1, to concentrate of zinc and its effect is stable, not easily influenced by the concentration of heavy metals. Be- cause the bracketplant has large biomass, root developed, advantages of biomass is growing rapidly, its benefits by heavy metal pollution of soil improvement. And big fish pelargonium because root underdevel- oped and biomass, the smaller of heavy metal tolerance is not strong, grow easily affected by the heavy metal, therefore, should not be used to repair contaminated soil plants. 9figs. ,Stabs. ,Trefs.
JOurnal of Hunan Environment Biological Polytechnic
Chlorophytum comosum
Pelargonium grandiflorum Willd.
residual sludge
heavy metals