
隐私保护云存储架构的研究 被引量:2

Privacy preservation cloud storage architecture research
摘要 随着计算机信息产业的发展,数据量正在以几何级数的方式迅速增长,传统的单机模式很难满足大量的数据存储任务,且企业软硬件维护成本高昂。云存储的出现为上述问题的解决提供了可能,然而近年出现的问题引起了人们对云存储的隐私安全的思考。介绍了近年来研究学者们在云存储隐私保护方面所做的工作,提出了一种基于非对称加密挑战-应答模式身份认证的加密搜索隐私保护机制,对今后云存储数据隐私保护的可能发展方向做了预测。 With the development of the information industry,the amount of data is rapidly growing in a geometrically way.It is difficult for the traditional Stand-alone mode to meet so huge data storage task and the cost of maintaining hardware and software is high.The emergence of cloud storage provides a solution for the above problems,but it has made us doubts on the privacy security of the cloud storage that troubles of divulging users' privacy information.First,reviewed the work has made in the prvicy preservation of cloud storage,then proposed a encryption searching privacy preservation architecture which based on an asymmetric challenging-answering authentication mode.At the end of the paper we discuss the future direction of the cloud storage data privacy security.
出处 《河北省科学院学报》 CAS 2013年第2期45-48,共4页 Journal of The Hebei Academy of Sciences
关键词 云存储 隐私性 安全性 Cloud storage Privacy Security
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