The purpose of this paper is to find out the relationship of China's imports,exports,net ex- ports and GDP between 1990 and 2011. The SPSS19.0 was used to fit all the data in a simple linear regres- sion model, from which it found strong correlation between the GDP and exports and imports. Besides that econometric methods were used, involving unite root test, co-integration test, granger causality test, im- pulse function analysis, variance decomposition analysis and so on. All the tests indicated that the aggregate amount of imports and exports is the Granger cause of the GDP,while GDP is not the Granger cause of im- ports and exports. Moreover, dealing with the amount of exports goods category, it drawn box plot and stack area chart to make the data more visualized,and it analyzed the industrial structure. Finally some rec- ommendations on China^s economics development and foreign trade were made.
Journal of Qufu Normal University(Natural Science)