MESA软件是IHE Connectathon(包括IHE-C)的主要辅助测试工具;该软件满足IHE框架的技术要求,为各厂商和软件公司参与IHE测试提供了很多便利。但MESA成型于上个世纪九十年代,距今已有二十多年;且经过测试,MESA在实际使用中也存在不少问题,这些都使得MESA已经不满足当前软件测试的需要。IHE Connectathon需要一款功能完善且符合当今医疗信息化实际的软件测试系统。基于此,提出一种基于B/S架构的测试系统,针对MESA存在的上述问题进行改进和完善。经测试,该系统实现了IHE技术框架的功能性要求且方便易用,为IHE测试提供了方便。
MESA, as the main test tool for IHE Connectathon,can satisfy the technical requirements of IHE from all aspects.This brings so many Vendors and medical software companies convenience to regulate the processes of vendors and softwares and improve the quality of them.However,MESA can not offer the best test assistance for vendors and companies due to too much time since the very coming into being of MESA and its bugs.As a result,there is a need for one new test system which can better fit current IHE Connectathon software and vendor tests.This article proposes one test system based on B/S architecture,which offers better user experience.So many tests witness the great performance of this new test system in helping vendor and software with IHE Connectathon tests.
China Digital Medicine