本文报告了用PIXE (Prolon Induced X-Ray Emission)技术研究不同健康状况大熊猫体毛中的微量元素含量,分别比较了各类样本中微量元素含量相对于各自锌含量的比值。不同健康状况的大熊猫体毛中的微量元素含量不同。血色素低与铁有关,食欲差与缺铬有关,癫痫病与钙和铜含量变化有关,癌症与铜和锌的比值变化有关。这些现象的初步揭示,为进一步研究高等功物体内微量元素与疾病的关系积累了资料,为人工饲养大熊猫提供了有益的参考资料。
In this paper the levels of trace elements in giant panda's hair with different health state and normal conditions was studied by FIXE and the rates of trace element contents in various samples to Zn have been tested separately. Changes of element contents differ from each other on each type; of samples. There are correlation in poor appetite, haemochrome lessing, opilesy and cancer with defect of Cr, Fe, change of ratio in Ca, and of Cu to Zn separately. Authors believe that it is useful to accumulate information for further studv in relation between dieases ard trace clements in higher animal kingdom to supply the rai ing of giant panda as reference material.
Giant panda, Disease, Trace element, Foreleg hair