目的 观察电磁脉冲 (EMP)照射大鼠后 ,松果体和血浆中 c AMP,c GMP浓度的变化 ,探讨 EMP对大鼠昼夜节律的影响及机制 .方法 采用放免分析法检测 EMP照射大鼠后松果体及血浆中 c AMP和 c GMP的含量 .结果 照射组大鼠松果体中 c AMP,c GMP和 c AMP/ c GMP的数值及昼夜波动幅度均有明显降低 (P<0 .0 5 ) ,且位相发生移动 ;血浆中c AMP,c GMP位相也发生移动 .结论 EMP照射能影响大鼠松果体和血浆中第二信使 c AMP,c GMP,从而干扰松果体细胞信号转导系统 ,进一步影响动物的昼夜节律 .
AIM To reveal the involvement of cAMP, cGMP in the changes of circadian rhythm regulation of rats caused by exposing to electromagnetic pulse (EMP). METHODS Radioimmunoassay technique was employed to detect the changes of concentrations of cAMP, cGMP in the pineal glands and blood plasmas of rats following exposure to EMP. RESULTS The concentrations, peaks and time phases of cAMP, cGMP and cAMP/cGMP ratio in the pineal tissues and blood plasmas decreased distinctly after exposure to EMP. CONCLUSION EMP can influence the rat circadianrhythm by changing the parameters of cAMP and cGMP in the pineal tissues and blood plasma of rats and disturbing the signal transduction system in the pineal gland cells.
Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University
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