葡萄是世界四大水果之一,中国作为世界第一大葡萄产出国,对葡萄生产技术效率及其影响因素进行探讨成为产业的需要。本研究旨在建立一个葡萄生产技术效率评估系统,实现葡萄生产信息采集、实时显示和生产技术效率分析的自动化处理。系统基于数据库技术、互联网技术和生产技术效率分析的相关理论,采用J2EE的三层B/S架构,其中,随机前沿算法的嵌入采用Matlab Web Server的方法。该系统可以有效解决我国地域辽阔、尚未整理的葡萄生产统计数据繁多的问题,并实现葡萄生产技术效率的远程自动化评价。
Grape is one of the world' s top four fruits and China is the biggest producer, so the disscussion of grape' s technical efficiency and its influencing factors becomes necessary. The purpose of this article is to design an evaluating system to collect the production data of grape and estimate the technical efficiency of grape automatically. Base on the database technology, network technology and technical efficiency theory, the system adopts the B/S architecture and J2EE. Matlab Web Server is used to em- bed the SFA algorithm into the system. The system solves the problems of vast territory in China and a great deal of production da- ta need to be collected and realizes the automatic calculation of grape' s technical efficiency in remote site.
Computer and Modernization