目的探讨磁共振多序列技术对梗阻性黄疸的临床诊断价值。资料与方法对35例结石、胰头癌、胆管癌、壶腹癌及炎性狭窄等梗阻性黄疸病人进行术前MR检查,结合手术,回顾性评价M R多序列技术的定性及定位诊断。结果 (1)定位诊断:对结石梗阻部位显示率为100%,对其他梗阻部位显示正确率为78%;(2)定性诊断:术前诊断结石正确率为100%,恶性占位正确率为89%。结论 MR多序列技术对梗阻性黄疸疾病定位诊断准确,联合运用MR多序列技术对恶性占位定性诊断特异性较高,对肿瘤部位诊断结合其他辅助诊断方法会提高诊断率。
Objective To evaluate the clinical diagnosis value of obstructive jaundice by MR sequences. Materials and Methods 35 patients with choledocholithiasis, pancreatic head carcinoma, cholangio carcinoma, periampullary carcinoma and inflammation were examined by MR sequences, compared with results of operation, looking back the evaluation of qualitative and orienttative diagnosis by MR sequences before operation. Results (1) The demonstrating rates of choledocholithiasis were 100%, and of others were 78%. (2) Diagno- sis of orientation of choledolithiasis were 100%, malignant obstruction were 89%. Conclu- sion MR sequences can accurately define the obstructive site in obstructive disease. The specificity for the diagnosis of malignant obstruction is very high when combining with MR sequences for analysis, but it specificity for the diagnosis of other diseases needs further research.
Chinese Journal of CT and MRI
obstructive jaundice
magnetic resonance imaging£ sequence