建立包含橡胶件的弹性车轮有限元模型,基于Abaqus软件仿真模拟弹性车轮组装过程.分析橡胶材料的力学特性,采用Mooney-Rivlin本构模型模拟其超弹性特性,考虑橡胶件大变形且不可压缩特性,建立多个接触关系和变步长反复迭代方法以保证计算收敛和缩减计算规模,研究压装过程各部件应力变化情况.仿真结果显示:压装完成后弹性车轮整体最大von-Mises应力为129.1 MPa,出现在压环与轮心过盈配合面处;最大径向应力为143.3 MPa,出现在轮心辐板圆弧过渡处.压装完成后弹性橡胶件最大von-Mises应力为8.1 MPa,径向应力均处于压缩状态.压装完成后轮毂与橡胶接触面应力在边缘位置处较大,轮缘侧应力略大于另一侧,且边缘位置应力大于中心位置处应力3倍.压装过程中轮心辐板位置最大应力随压装进行逐渐变小,最大应力位置逐渐靠近辐板厚度较薄的圆弧过渡处.压装应力作为车轮运营过程中的预应力.
A finite clement model of rubber-sprung resilicnt wheel was established including elastic rubber, and the pressed process for the assembling was simulated based on Abaqus software to study the stress attribution of the wheel. Mooney-Rivlin constitutive model was used for simulating the hyperelastic properties of the rubber, and the mechanical properties was analyzed. According to the large deformation and incompressible characteris- tics, the contact relationship between the rim, hub, ring and rubber was set up on the basis of real contact situa- tion. The variable step iterative method was applied for convergence and calculation scale reduction. The simu- lation results show that after completely assembling the maximum von-Mises stress of the assemble wheel is 129.1 MPa located at the interference fit surface between the ring and rim. The maximum radial stress is 143. 3 MPa located at the arc place of the rim plate. The maximum von-Mises stress of rubber is 8.1 MPa, and radial stress is in compression situation. The von-Mises stress at the side of interference surface between hub and rubbers is three times greater than the inner side, and the stress close to the flange side is slightly bigger than the other side. During the assembling process, the stress of the rim plate will reduce with the assembling process synchro- nously. The biggest stress location is close to the arc place with a thinner thickness, and the assembling stresses of different parts of rubber-sprung resilient wheel exist in the real field operation.
Journal of Dalian Jiaotong University