目的 :对饮食服务业的四害进行生物学调查。方法 :鼠、蠊、蝇、蚊密度调查 ,分别采用粉迹法、气雾剂驱赶法、目测法、人诱法。结果 :4 0家宾馆、饭店室内四害达 13种 ,其中鼠类 3种 ,优势种为褐家鼠 ;蜚蠊 3种 ,优势种为黑胸大蠊 ;蝇类 4种 ,优势种为家蝇 ;蚊类 3种 ,优势种为致倦库蚊。四害密度控制率最高的为蚊 ,最低的为鼠 ;防蝇、鼠设施合格率较低 ( 4 2 .5%、37.5% ) ,设施合格单位的蝇、鼠密度控制率显著高于不合格单位。结论 :加强防蝇、鼠设施建设 。
hotels and restaurants was investigated in Yichang. There was 13 species of four pests inside.The predormant species was R.norvegicus of 3 rats.The predormant species was Periplaneta fuliginosa of 3 roaches.The predormant species was C.pipiens quinquefciatus of 3 mosquitos. The predormant species was M.domestica linnaeus of 4 flies.The most reach-mark-ratio of four pests densities was mosquito density. The least reach-mark-ratio of four pests densities was rat density. The reach-mark-ratio of Antifly & Anti-rat establishment was quite lowness ( 42.5 % and 37.5 %). The fly-density and rat-density in units of antiestablishment up to grade was markedly higher than that of disqualification units.Good Anti-fly & Anti-rat establishment is effective mesure that depress fly-density and rat-density.
Chinese Journal of Vector Biology and Control