目的探讨口腔扁平苔藓中医治疗验方用药规律。方法收集整理北京大学口腔医院黏膜科治疗口腔扁平苔藓验方209首,其中非糜烂型172首,糜烂型37首,对其用药规律进行归纳和统计分析。结果 172首治疗非糜烂型口腔扁平苔藓中医处方中,统计出最常用中药9味,位居前三味分别为薏苡仁、白芍、麦冬,常用中药10味,较为常用中药17味。37首治疗糜烂型口腔扁平苔藓中医处方中,统计出最常用中药8味,前三味为丹皮、薏苡仁、赤芍,常用中药7味,较为常用中药10味。结论口腔扁平苔藓用药以清热药、补益药、利水渗湿药为主。通过用药分类、使用频次、频率统计分析,为临床遣方用药及新药研发的处方来源提供了思路和参考。
Objective To analyze the principles of formula design and administration of Chinese medicinal herbs in the treatment of oral lichen planus and to provide a basic data in guiding clinical practice. Methods The classification and frequency of Chinese herbal remedies (CHR), and the main CHR administrated in the treatment of OLP were calculated and analyzed. Between 2010 and 2012. All patients met the diagnosis criteria for OLP,and take a complete prescription, use decoction for the medical treatment. Results A total of 209 queries to the relevant prescriptions were inspected including 172 queries for non-erosive type of OLP and 37 queries for erosive type of OLP. Among the prescriptions and herbal medicines for OLP , tonic medicine drugs and excreting water and dampness, clearing heat drugs had higher administrative frequency. Of which, for non erosive type of OLP, Coix Seed , figwort Root,White Peony Root etal were the top 9 frequently used herbs.For the erosive type of OLP Coix Seed , figwort Root, red Peony Root et al were the top 9 frequently used herbs. Conclusion CHR used commonly are those with the actions of tonic medicine drugs and excreting water and dampness ,as well as clearing heat drugs for treatment of OLP.
Journal of Modern Stomatology
oral Lichen Planus Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herbs Drugs administrative rule